Job Openings

The church at Brown Street is growing and searching to add to the leadership. Listed here are the most recent job openings.



The High School Youth Minister is responsible to the elders for planning, coordinating, and promoting the Youth programs of the church, special youth projects, and events. This person will focus on the High School age youth of the church and their families. They will coordinate with the Junior High Youth Minister to plan and conduct joint Jr. High and High School activities.

Primary Responsibilities:

  • Teach the gospel of Christ to the youth of the congregation
  • Minister to the youth and parents of the congregation
  • Counsel youth and parents as needed
  • Identify and care for the youth on the margins (“at-risk youth”)
  • Work with elders, other ministers, deacons, and committees (e.g., Education Committee) to plan, evaluate, and coordinate youth ministries of the church
  • Plan and direct fellowships, retreats, and mission trips
  • Plan and direct parenting seminars and workshops
  • Teach Sunday School classes and conduct group bible studies for youth
  • Train youth ministry volunteers/workers as needed
  • Perform other duties as assigned by the elders

The candidate will also:

  • Develop relationships with local school officials and be available to speak and/or visit in the schools
  • Communicate effectively verbally, via writing, and using social media
  • Remain informed of current trends in youth education programs and youth culture
  • Be alert to win the lost and assist in reaching the unsaved
  • Participate in visitation of sick/shut-ins and of prospective members
  • Incorporate the youth as appropriate

Requirements and Preferences:

  • Knowledge of the bible and its teachings is required. Demonstrated ability to teach the gospel and understand the doctrines of the Church expressed in the New Testament
  • Able to pass a background check and complete the congregation’s Child Abuse
  • Prevention (CAP) training and certification is required
  • Able to obtain a Commercial Driver’s License (CDL) with passenger endorsement and be willing to drive church buses to/from youth events is required
  • Bachelor’s degree in Bible or Ministry from a Church of Christ-affiliated college or university preferred, but not required. Preference may be offset with preaching school certificate or other appropriate experience

For more information or to apply, contact Damon Bentley.



The Jr. High Youth Minister is responsible to the Elders for planning, coordinating, and

promoting the Jr. High programs of the church, special youth projects, and events. This person will focus on the Jr. High age youth of the church and their families. They will coordinate with the High School Youth Minister to plan and conduct joint Jr. High and High School activities.

Primary Responsibilities:

  • Teach the gospel of Christ to the Jr. High youth of the congregation
  • Minister to the Jr. High youth and parents of the congregation
  • Counsel Jr. High youth and parents as needed
  • Work with elders, other ministers, deacons, and committees (e.g., Education Committee) to plan, evaluate, and coordinate Jr. High youth ministries of the church
  • Plan and direct Jr. High fellowships, retreats, and mission trips. Coordinate with the High School Youth Minister for joint Jr. High and High School activities
  • Plan and direct parenting seminars and workshops
  • Teach Jr. High Sunday School classes and conduct group bible studies
  • Plan and coordinate bible study program for 4th-8th grade boys
  • Perform other duties as assigned by the Elders

The candidate will also:

  • Develop relationships with local school officials and be available to speak and/or visit in the schools
  • Communicate effectively verbally, via writing, and using social media
  • Remain informed of current trends in youth education programs and youth culture
  • Be alert to win the lost and assist both workers and youth in reaching the unsaved
  • Participate in visitation of sick/shut-ins and of prospective members

Requirements and Preferences:

  • Knowledge of the bible and its teachings is required. Demonstrated ability to teach the gospel and understand the doctrines of the Church expressed in the New Testament
  • Able to pass a background check and complete the congregation’s Child Abuse
  • Prevention (CAP) training and certification is required
  • Able to obtain a Commercial Driver’s License (CDL) with passenger endorsement and be willing to drive church buses to/from youth events is required
  • Bachelor’s degree in Bible or Ministry from a Church of Christ-affiliated college or university preferred, but not required. Preference may be offset with preaching school certificate or other appropriate experience

For more information or to apply, contact Damon Bentley.

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