There is a time and season for everything, (ECCLESIASTIES 3:1) and seasons of life can change quickly! No matter if you're in the spring, summer, autumn or winter of life, you can connect with others in a shared season here at Brown Street!
Not married? Connect with single adults of all ages for Sunday morning bible class and social activities throughout the year!
CLASS: Sunday 9 AM / Room 509
CLASS: Sunday 9 AM / Room 609
Babies don't keep and families are ever-changing! We offer many connection opportunities for families and parents as everyone grows and matures together.
CLASS: Sunday 9 AM, Room 603
CLASS: Sunday 9 AM / Room 604
Family Easter Egg Hunt
4th of July Celebration
Fall Festival
Breakfast with Santa
Church-Wide Cookout
Field trips & family outings
Marriage and Parenting Seminars
Our men and women also have their own ministries for fellowship and support. These groups of brothers and sisters foster bonds of meaningful understanding and encouragement.
CLASS: Wednesday 7 PM / Room 505
BIBLE STUDY: Tuesday 7 PM / Room 218
Monthly men's prayer breakfasts
Annual men's retreat
Social Outings
CLASS: Wednesday 7 PM / Room 603
BIBLE STUDY: Tuesday 7 PM / Room 218
Monthly women's prayer breakfasts
Fellowship outings
Service projects
Annual Ladies' brunch, hosted by Elders' wives
Annual weekend retreat or seminar
Whether your nest is full or now empty, we have groups where you can encourage, be encouraged, and enjoy some time for yourself! You are needed here.
Our "Prime Timers" ministry creates opportunities for members to enjoy exciting outings and social gatherings, fostering friendships and creating lasting memories together.
Annual Valentine's Banquet
Christmas Lights Tour
Canton Trade Days
Fort Worth Stockyards
Aviation Museum
The 1:17 ministry, named after Isaiah 1:17's call to "plead the case of the widow," is our group serving widows and widowers. It provides a supportive, compassionate community where those who've lost spouses can find fellowship, spiritual encouragement, strength, and companionship during their journey through loss and transition.
Monthly meals out
Christmas parties
Texas Rangers games
See also:
Grief Share
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9 AM Bible Classes
10 AM & 5 PM Worship
7 PM Devotional & Bible Classes
CARE CENTER: M & W, 9 AM - 11 AM