We're glad you're here!
Visitors are always welcome at Brown Street. Come as you are - we can't wait to meet you!
9 AM Bible Classes
10 AM & 5 PM Worship
7 PM Devotional & Bible Classes
We love people and aim to create a welcoming environment. Upon arrival on Sunday morning, you should be greeted with a smile and offered a worship bulletin.
Studying God's Word is one of the most vital activities we share as God's family. We offer Bible classes for all ages on Sunday mornings and Wednesday evenings. You'll find class lists posted throughout our building, or feel free to ask any member for help finding the right class for you and your family.
One unique aspect of our worship service that may surprise you is our congregational singing. During the musical portion of our worship, everyone joins together in a cappella singing, lifting our voices in praise to God. A cappella singing is part of our unique heritage among churches of Christ, but it is much more than just a tradition. We believe it is the way God wants to be worshiped.
Every Sunday, our worship service includes a special time for baptized believers to partake in the Lord's Supper. This observance consists of two symbolic elements:
These emblems serve as a weekly reminder of Jesus' sacrificial love for each of us.
Each Sunday, we collect an offering, typically following the Lord's Supper. Our elders oversee these funds, which support our congregation's various ministries and missions. As our guest, please don't feel obligated to contribute. When the collection basket reaches you, you're welcome to simply pass it to the next person.
God's Word is the foundation of our beliefs and actions. During our worship services, you'll hear Bible-centered preaching that emphasizes how Scripture applies to our daily lives. We strive to make God's timeless truths relevant and meaningful in today's world.
At the conclusion of our worship service, an elder will invite both members and visitors to complete an attendance card. These cards are then passed toward the aisles, where our young men eagerly collect them. Alternatively, you may scan the QR code when displayed and complete the card electronically. We'd be delighted to have a record of your visit! Your participation helps us better serve you, our church family and welcome newcomers.
9 AM Bible Classes
10 AM & 5 PM Worship
7 PM Devotional & Bible Classes
CARE CENTER: M & W, 9 AM - 11 AM