children's ministry director

Felicia is passionate about teaching and sharing God’s Word, and will begin blessing Brown Street families in her role as Children's Director in January of 2025. Born in Austin, Felicia spent most of her childhood in Fairfield, Texas. It was at the Fairfield Church of Christ where she was first baptized at age 10, but later felt she was too young and was baptized again at 26. Felicia met her husband, Josh, through his younger brother who was in Felicia’s class in high school, and they married in 2015. Today their family includes their two sons, Asa and Ozzy.

A graduate of Fairfield High School, Felicia also received her Bachelor’s in Art from Stephen F. Austin University. She worked as an elementary art teacher for eight years. Before joining the staff at Brown Street, Felicia volunteered many hours in the Children’s Ministry alongside her husband who is a deacon over the ministry.

Felicia is encouraged by Ecclesiastes 3: 1-8, which mentions there being a time for everything. In her time of leisure, she enjoys being with family, the great outdoors, reading, arts and crafts, and playing the piano.

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